Developing skills to take into your next chapter
Achieve deliver the HMPPS CFO Evolution project in the prisons listed below. We have located experienced case managers to work at each site offering offenders the opportunity to learn new skills and gain support to help them upon release. Employment is a significant factor in reducing re-offending. Achieve Case Managers work closely with prison staff, partner agencies, Offender Managers and participants. They work with participants to achieve a wide range of core activities including goal setting, health awareness, obtaining ID and employability work. Referrals to partner agencies ensure that participants receive mentoring support to address barriers including accommodation and substance misuse. Case Managers also deliver a range of accredited Open Awards and arrange for the delivery of regular accredited vocational training. Before participants are released, prison-based Case Managers liaise with Case Managers in the community to ensure that an appointment is arranged and that the participant journey towards employment continues seamlessly. Our ‘Through the Gate’ service has been very successful in helping many offenders gain meaningful and sustainable employment upon release. To learn more about the work of HMPPS CFO please visit