CFO3 Extended to August 2023

We are very pleased to announce that funding for the CFO3 programme has been extended to August 2023, Achieve North West Connect will therefore continue to deliver our services in the North West until at least this date.
Since the start of the CFO3 programme in July 2015 we have made quite an impact. 800 of our beneficiaries have gained employment and 3427 have progressed into education, training programmes, courses and other support.
We are now available at many more locations across the region, located in nearly all public sector prisons and most Probation premises in the North West.
We have more staff on the ground delivering services direct to offenders than ever before and continue to expand our numbers.
We deliver more services than ever with one of our new projects in HMP Manchester featured in this newsletter.
We look forward to providing our services to the new extended date of August 2023 and we hope that you will see the benefits we are able to bring.
As ever we welcome feedback or ideas for new projects that we can deliver or co deliver.
Please contact us by email at
[email protected]