Confidence building for women in Lancashire

As well as helping participants in custody prepare for release and future employment, Achieve CFO3 teams also support people as they make the transition back into the community.
This is key in ensuring that the participant continues on their new path.
Achieve CFO3 Case Manager Jody explains how she supported one participant, Chloe, to make a lasting change after release.
*participant’s name has been changed
Jody said: “Chloe was released from custody and wanted to look for permanent employment. Chloe had had depression and some health issues. Due to a low income from being on benefits, she had found herself behind with rent payments.
“Chloe struggled with her anger management which was linked to her previous offending behaviour. She often experienced difficulties expressing herself and was prone to outbursts which could sometimes become violent.
“Despite the barriers Chloe faced, she knew she wanted to change and engage with professionals to get where she wanted to be.
“Chloe had experience as a business apprentice and had previously obtained a Level 3 in Business Studies.
“Getting to know Chloe, I felt that working on her motivation would be beneficial. I also worked with her on how to disclose her conviction, to help build her confidence around applying for jobs, and so that she was prepared for potential questions that employers may ask regarding her conviction. Chloe said she found this very useful.
“Although Chloe started to feel more motivated and positive after working with me, on reflection, she felt like she needed more support.
“I suggested to Chloe that we refer her to Lancashire Women’s Centre, a specialist service that works in collaboration with Achieve to help women achieve their potential. This would be a good way for Chloe to move towards training, volunteering and employment.
“Chloe liked that idea and engaged really well with Lancashire Women’s Centre, attending every appointment. I worked in collaboration with the Centre to offer Chloe an Anger Management Course where she could also obtain a qualification. Chloe said that the course was eye-opening and she thanked us for the opportunity.
“After three months of support from myself and Lancashire Women’s Centre, Chloe felt ready to start job searching. We supported her with the process of job searching, showing her various ways to find available jobs through vacancy websites.
“Using these techniques, Chloe found an admin job she wanted to apply for that was in a suitable location for her. I supported her with her application and CV.
“Chloe was offered an interview and was successful.
“She was offered a full-time job as a Business Admin Assistant, which is something she has always been passionate about. Chloe is continuing to flourish in her new role and she says she feels like she has overcome the barriers she has faced.
“She has also managed to get her finances back on track and her emotional wellbeing has improved substantially. Chloe thanked both myself and Lancashire Women’s Centre for the support along her journey.”