Career Connect has today (Wednesday 6 March 2024) launched its first, national stakeholder consultation to assess the current state of evidence for the impact of independent and impartial careers education, information, advice, and guidance (CEIAG). ‘Careers Advice is Vital for our Future: Assessing the Evidence’ opens during Careers Week 2024.
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Career Connect is inviting stakeholders to share their views and evidence on the long-term impact of impartial careers support, gaps in the current understanding of the impact of professional careers support, areas that they believe warrant further research, and who is best placed to conduct that research.
Career Connect will combine responses to the consultation with those from a roundtable which takes place at Westminster this May. This will be followed by publication of the findings, and a roadmap for future research in the sector.
Sheila Clark, CEO of Career Connect, said:
“The aim of this consultation is to provide the platform for a shared research and evaluation agenda across the careers sector, and to create a better understanding of the positive contribution that professional CEIAG can make to education and employment outcomes.
“We want it to help place our sector in a stronger and more informed position to converse with policy makers, especially when it comes to making the case for services that meet the changing needs of the people we support.
“I encourage anyone in the careers sector, and those we work alongside, to take part. We know that the careers sector is vital in powering the next generation of the UK’s workforce. This consultation is an important step in strengthening the evidence of that impact.”
The consultation asks four key questions:
Question 1:
If there were no impartial and independent CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance), what does current evidence tell us about the impact that this would have on:
1) How prepared young people are to make decisions that affect their future education and employment outcomes that are aligned with their aspirations?
2) The longer-term employment outcomes for young people?
3) Specific vulnerable groups that would be most seriously affected, how, and why?
Question 2:
What do you think are the biggest gaps in our current understanding of the impact of professional CEIAG, and what are the consequences of this lack of evidence? We are particularly interested in thoughts on gaps across life stages and populations, including:
1) CEIAG provided to school aged young people.
2) Support provided to those during transitions from school to post sixteen provision.
3) Young people most at risk of poor education and employment outcomes.
Question 3:
Thinking about these areas of weakness, what do you think the top three priorities should be for research and evidence for the professional CEIAG sector?
Question 4:
Who has a role to play in filling these evidence gaps, and what are each best placed to contribute?
Career Connect is inviting anyone with an interest in this issue to contribute to the consultation. This could include:
• Those delivering Careers Services
• Local authorities
• Anyone who commissions careers services, such as schools
• Those who work in partnership with/refer people to careers services
• Those influencing and shaping wider policy
• Universities conducting research
Take part in our consultation:
Make your submission here
Contact Gary Mundy, Director of Research and Evaluation at Career Connect: [email protected]