Liverpool-based Bellerive FCJ Catholic College was the venue for Career Connect’s latest ‘Challenging Stereotypes’ event, as our Education and Business Team showcased the breadth of careers available to 160 Year 9 girls currently choosing their GCSE options.
During the event, students were introduced to a group of female professionals dressed in ordinary clothes. Working as teams, they were set the challenge to work out each one’s job title and career by asking questions that yielded a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response and writing down their guesses. During a short break, the professionals changed into their normal workwear before returning to reveal their job roles and explain their career journeys.
Our interactive event proved highly popular with students who engaged enthusiastically with the employers. There were also a few surprises when students discovered what each professional did for a living.
Jerri Comerford, Project Officer: Inspiring Futures (Widening Participation & Youth Employment) at Alder Hey Hospital said: “It was one of the best career events I have attended. I loved the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ game element, I found that the students approached me with such open mindedness and asked some good questions. The competitive element of the game seemed to really encourage them, and I found them all to be very engaged.”

Challenging Assumptions
In addition to providing an opportunity for students to learn about the range of careers available, our event provided an important message about challenging the assumptions students might make about the people they met.
Jessie Brown, a construction site manager at Morgan Sindall, said: “The enthusiasm from the students was infectious throughout the day, everyone was eager to participate and learn about the different career opportunities available. The energy in the room was contagious, and it was clear that everyone was having fun while also gaining valuable insights into the different roles.”
Working in a predominantly male job sector, Jessie said of the Challenging Stereotypes event: “It was great to see the students surprised to learn that I work in the construction industry. Their genuine interest and eagerness to learn more about the opportunities available for women in this field was exciting to see. It was one of the best events I’ve had the opportunity to take part in. Hopefully the students walked away with a deeper understanding of their future career options.”
Expanding Horizons and Opportunities
Bellerive FCJ Catholic College Headteacher, Peter Forsey said: “The college has been working with Career Connect for the last 10 years, and we have found them to be supportive and responsive partners who have allowed us to take our careers education to a higher level. The Women in Business event has run incredibly successfully each year and has grown and evolved in response to our ever-changing society. Its benefits include expanding students’ horizons for the roles and opportunities outside of school and providing clear pathways to empower and inspire the next generation”.
Career Connect’s CEO, Sheila Clark, attended the event as one of the employers, helping highlight women in senior positions. Sheila said:“The event was truly insightful; it was great to get involved directly in the brilliant events that we run in schools. It was wonderful to see how our Challenging Stereotypes event helped this inspiring group of young women”.
Thank you to our supporting employers
We would like to thank the staff from His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service, The Health and Safety Executive, Morgan Sindall, Merseyside Police, Alder Hey, A&B Engineering, and Career Connect for helping to positively spotlight and broaden the horizons of the careers pathways open to the students of Bellerive.