We welcome all customer feedback – compliments, complaints or suggestions – to help us improve the service we provide.
About Career Connect
Career Connect works under a range of brands including Achieve North West Connect, Connect To Your Future and careers education, information advice & guidance services in schools. We aim to provide the best service possible for you.
If you have any feedback on the services we provide, we would like to hear from you.
Advice Session Feedback
If you would like to provide feedback on an advice session you have received through Career Connect, please click the ‘Advice Session Feedback’ button below. If you would like a response, please provide your full name and contact details and we will respond within 5 days.
Compliments, Complaints & Suggestions
To register a compliment, complaint or suggestion, click the Customer Feedback button below and complete the short questionnaire.
Please note: If you are unhappy with how you have been treated, please speak to your adviser in the first instance. They may be able to address your concerns.
If you are still unhappy, you can make a formal complaint in ONE of the following ways:
- Click the Customer Feedback button below and complete the short questionnaire.
- Email [email protected].
- Write to QWS Team, Career Connect, 7th Floor, Walker House, Liverpool, L2 3YL
Please provide as much information as possible, including dates, locations, names of people involved and what you would like to happen in response to your complaint.
We acknowledge all messages within 24 hours of receipt.