Career Connect

A Connect To Your Future participant will see her advice article published on GMCA’s (Greater Manchester Combined Authority) new Curriculum For Life website, which is being developed with young people on Greater Manchester.

In her article, ‘Tips and Guide to Landing Your Dream Apprenticeship or Job,’ Elorm Faivor discusses the five key elements that young people should consider when looking to secure a job or apprenticeship.

Elorm shares useful links to key websites and explains how these five key things helped her to get her own apprenticeship.

Elorm was supported by a Connect To Your Future adviser as she explored her training and career options, and went on to secure a Digital Marketing Apprenticeship at a healthcare agency. Elorm also hopes to go to university.

GMCA put out a call for young people to write articles, and Elorm was one of the chosen writers, along with four other Connect To Your Future participants.

Evie Chambers, Youth Voice Coordinator at Career Connect said: “Elorm’s article was fantastic. We particularly enjoyed the level of detail covered, the range of tips shared with other young people and how well the article read. The article was informative and had elements of emotion, comedy and personality making it super enjoyable to read.”

Connect To Your Future is commissioned by Greater Manchester Combined Authority, and is funded by the European Social Fund. It is delivered by Career Connect.

It has been running for 12 months and in the last year Connect To Your Future has supported more than 600 young people to gain employment, or access education and training.

The programme is open to young people across Greater Manchester aged 15-19 who are not in education, employment or training, or at risk of that.

The Connect To Your Future team provides additional bespoke mentoring support and enrichment activities that are tailored to suit each young person’s needs.

There’s still time to sign up for Connect To Your Future!

Young people 15-19 in Greater Manchester can still sign up until 30th June, and we can support current participants until 30th September.

How Connect To Your Future can help:

  • Financial support e.g., course funding, tuition support, laptops/phones, gym memberships, clothes, food vouchers, uniforms, travel, ID.
  • Support with CV’s, application forms and interview preparation
  • 1-2-1 mentoring and weekly support from a dedicated Key Worker
  • Developing skills such as travel, confidence, social skills and future planning
  • Tailored support to help with studies, jobs, college and destinations for September
  • Engagement all summer with free summer programmes and access to wellbeing services

Sound good?

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[email protected]

0162 232 7863



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