Career Connect

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new education business website promoting the range of services that Career Connect provides to UK schools and colleges. is a new education business website packed with news, information and details over two dozen education support services.  As a result, it can help educational institutions to provide the best careers support to young people.

Firstly, the website shows how Career Connect can help schools and colleges to meet, or exceed, statutory requirements and the Gatsby Benchmarks.  Secondly, it shows which services meet which Gatsby Benchmark.  Thirdly, it categorises all services into one of four distinct groups, for ease of viewing:

  • Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance
  • Quality, Consultancy and Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
  • Job Connect and Employer Encounters
  • Wellbeing and Employability Programmes

Schools and colleges can quickly browse services to find the ones they need and discover others that may be relevant. They can also download a digital copy of Career Connect’s brochure: Education Services for Schools & Colleges.

Online enquiry forms let customers contact the Education Business Services team for a ‘no obligation’ consultation to discuss their requirements.

Diane Sproson, Director of Operations for Career Connect said: “We are one of the UK’s most successful providers of education services to UK schools and colleges, so we understand how important it is for customers to see at-a-glance the services we offer and how they help achieve specific goals.  Our education website lets you identify the service you need quickly and easily.  If you need more information, you can contact us directly to discuss specific needs.  Whether you’re looking for a full careers education programme, want to create industry links or need a tailored solution for specific students, we can help.”

To find out about Career Connect Education Business Services, visit  Alternatively, you can contact Carmel or Chloe on 0151 600 7700.

Education Business website


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