Career Connect

Coming up on Tuesday 27 April 2021, Career Connect invites careers leaders to join a FREE information session on the Quality in Careers Standard.

As one of the UK’s largest and most successfulproviders of school and college career management services, Career Connect is at the forefront of delivering innovative CEIAG programmes. Coming up this month, careers leaders have the opportunity to join a FREE information session all about the Quality in Careers Standard.

We were the first careers organisation in the country to achieve Licenced AwardingBody status for the Quality in Careers Standard, so we know what it takes to provide the very best support to young people

Taking place on from 12.20pm on Tuesday 27 April, this unmissable session includes:

  • An update on the policy context of Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance (CEIAG) for schools and colleges in 2021, including the recommendations in new Skills for Jobs White Paper.
  • An analysis of both the national and local labour market, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the future of work and how to prepare young people.
  • Support to careers leaders to assess their current CEIAG programme and how develop an agile model for future careers delivery, taking account of the new ways of working developed during the pandemic.
  • A question & answer segment (feel free to ask us anything!)

The session will last for approximately 40 minutes.  To reserve your FREE place at this session, please email [email protected].

We look forward to seeing you there.

Download Quality in Careers Standard leaflet


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