Career Connect

Career Connect is pleased to launch our new Impact Report covering the year 2019/20.

The report sets out the amazing work being done by our teams across careers, employment, education and training.  Over this year our teams supported over 79,000 young people and adults, helping them realise their full potential.   This was a significant increase on last year and is a testament to the great work being undertaken across the Charity to increase our impact.

Some key highlights include:

  • As part of our work on the Shaping Futures programme, Career Connect helped drive social mobility by supporting young people less likely to attend University and helping them take this first exciting step.
  • Through our Right Choice programme, we provided mentoring and support to young people at risk of involvement in youth violence.
  • We have helped to reduce the number of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) in the eight local authorities where we deliver these services.

The Impact Report 2019/20 shows both the impact of our work during this period and – more importantly – the stories of the people we have supported.

We know the year ahead presents even more challenges, especially in terms of employment opportunities, but we are confident that we will continue to make a difference where it really counts to the lives of the people with whom we work.

Download the Impact Report


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