The Mosslands School in Wallasey has more than 1,100 boys aged 11-19, and a mixed Sixth Form.
The Mosslands School became the first school in the region to be recognised as a STE@M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths) centre of excellence.
“The purpose of education is more than league tables or Ofsted,” says Headteacher Adrian Whiteley.
“It is to ensure that our students have the ambition and skills to thrive in a modern world, to build better futures for themselves and for the wider community. This is reflected in our STE@M status and in our approach to careers provision, where we are supported by Career Connect.”

Adrian Whiteley, Head Teacher at The Mosslands School, Wallasey
Five years ago, following the closure of a nearby academy, Mosslands gained a sudden influx of pupils from an area of the community that it had not previously served. Throughout this period of change, Career Connect worked closely with the school to design careers provision that meets the needs of all pupils.
Mr Whiteley adds, “Our increased numbers brought with it a range of challenges. More students meant we also had more children from under-served backgrounds, and more students with additional needs or at risk of NEET.
“Impartiality is really important to us, and this is central to the work of Career Connect.”
“We want to ensure that everybody receives high quality careers support, and this includes understanding that no one size fits all. Impartiality is really important to us, and this is central to the work of Career Connect.
“We have seen, for example, a pupil who came to us after being excluded, and at strong risk of NEET, now studying science at a top university. Another, who seemed destined for the traditional university route, opted instead for a higher-level degree apprenticeship, and is now working for a major consulting company.
“Our Career Connect adviser Kerry has her eye on trends and changes in the world of work, helping us to be responsive and shaping our activity. Mock interviews and industry insights are also invaluable.
“As well as providing guidance for students, Kerry supports our Careers Lead and our wider school CEIAG strategy, organising events, trips and activities, so she is well known around school.
“From experience, I have found that most boys respond better to someone that they know well, so having someone like Kerry, who understands their needs and takes an interest makes a massive difference.
“Despite the challenges we have faced as a school, our NEET figure has remained well below local and regional averages. Our progression figures into higher and further education and into successful employment are among the highest in the North West.
“As a Headteacher, I have a lot of things to think about – but having Career Connect as a partner means I don’t have to worry about our careers provision.”