It's National Careers Week (6-11 March)! Our teams will be out and about hosting drop-in sessions for young people not in education, employment or training.
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Come along to meet our advisers during National Careers Week 2023 (6-11 March), and find out how they can help you plan your future. Check back as more events are added!
Drop-in sessions
Meet our advisers to explore your education, training or employment options, and get some advice:
For those aged 16-18 (up to 25 if you have an Education Health and Care Plan)
- 10am-4pm, Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 March: Centre 63, Old Hall Ln, Kirkby, Liverpool L32 5TH.
- 10am-4pm, Tuesday 7 and Thursday 9 March: Our Place, Longview Dr, Huyton, Liverpool L36 6EG.
For those aged 16-18 (up to 25 if you have an Education Health and Care Plan)
- 10am-4pm, Monday 6 and Wednesday 8 March: Crawford House, Upper Warwick St, Liverpool L8 8DN
- 10am-4pm, Monday 6, Wednesday 8, Friday 10 March: Norris Green Youth Centre, Townsend Avenue Liverpool L11 5AF. Tel: 0151 378 2336.
- Our careers advisers will be at the MYA Marketplace Jobs Fair for 16-24 year olds across Liverpool City Region. The event runs from 10am-3pm on Tuesday 7 March at Merseyside Youth Association, 65-67 Hanover Street, Liverpool, L1 3DY. Attendees can meet with multiple employers and training providers, gain insight into variosu professions and discover new career opportunities. For more information download the event flyer HERE
For those aged 16-19 (up to 25 if you have an EHCP):
- 1-4pm, Monday 6 March, Halton Stadium, Lower House Ln, Widnes WA8 7DZ
For those aged 16-29:
- Drop into our office at 56 Argyle Street, Birkenhead, CH41 6AF from 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday.
St. Helens
For families/carers of children and young people with SEND (Special Educational Needs or Disability) up to age 25.
Meet our team at the St Helens Local Offer Information Day: 10:30am-2:00pm and 5:30pm-7:30pm on Thursday 9 March at St Helens Town Hall, Victoria Square, St Helens, WA10 1HP.
Speak to the career Connect team to find out how they can help support young people (16-18 years-old and up to age 25 for those with an Education, Health and Care Plan) into education, training and employment.
We’ll be there alongside a host of other local services for families. No need to book – just drop in.
Tattoo design workshop
Wednesday 8th March, 11am-1pm, Eccles Gateway, 28 Barton Lane, Eccles M30 0TU.
Career Connect and Artist Beckie Miller bring you a FREE afternoon creating Tattoo Artwork and Designs.
Create your own design. Access to fine line pens and design templates FREE sketchbook and pens to take away.
Our friendly careers advisors will also be present to give you advice and guidance on any challenges you may be facing including finding work, signposting to support agencies, college/university/job support.
Refreshments provided. For more information, contact [email protected]
For young people 16-18 year olds (up to 25 if you have an EHCP):
Careers Advice and Employability Sessions – including CV workshops, application support and job search
- Monday 6 March from 11am-3pm at Netherton Neighbourhood Community Centre, Chester Ave, Bootle L30 1QW
- Wednesday 8 March from 10am-4pm at Sefton Adult Education Centre Cambridge Road, 53 Cambridge Rd, Seaforth, Waterloo, Liverpool L21 1EZ
- Wednesday 8 March from 1-4pm at Phoenix Community Centre 13 Scarisbrick New Road, Southport PR8 6PU
- Thursday 9 March from 10am-2pm at Northfield Community Centre, Northfield Road, Bootle, L20 0AF
- Thursday 9 March from 1pm -3pm at Magdalena House (aimed at Care Experienced Young People) 30 Trinity Rd, Bootle L20 3NJ
Either drop in or book a time on 0151 944 6100. Phone appointments also available.
Recruitment Event
Greater Manchester
Wythenshawe Pathways Programme launch
10.30am on Thursday 9 March at Longley Lane Neighbourhoods Team site, Wythenshawe.
During National Careers Week, find out about employment and training opportunities for young people aged 16-18 living in South Manchester, and who are not in education, training or employment.
The Wythenshawe Pathways Programme will offer young people a short employability and training programme before proceeding to a 6-month paid employment contract with Manchester City Council within the Neighbourhoods Team. Work placements will be for four days a week with one day a week in training.
Partners include Manchester City Council, Career Connect and The Growth Company.
Book your place on the recruitment day: 0161 232 7863 [email protected]