Career Connect

Youth Futures Foundation/Institute for Employment Studies – April 2020

The report, Supporting disadvantaged young people into meaningful work written by the Institute for Employment Studies examines what we know about “what works”. Based on a rapid evidence assessment of evaluations that measured job outcomes for disadvantaged groups, it found that more evidence is needed that accurately estimates the additional impact of youth employment programmes.

Despite limited robust research, it draws out some useful findings for practitioners including the importance of:

  • Effective engagement using activities like music and sport to attract participants
  • Accurately understanding individual needs in order to personalise support packages
  • A trusted, consistent advisor to help young people overcome barriers and achieve their personal goals
  • Delivery of personalised help with vocational, academic and employability skills, job search, and work experience
  • Addressing barriers to employment such as mental and physical health problems, and housing issues
  • Wage subsidies and intermediate labour markets (i.e. creating short term, paid jobs where individuals receive support to help them transition to permanent roles)


Read the report here

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