Career Connect Wirral Ways To Work Team has achieved a 100% satisfaction rating from users
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Career Connect Wirral Ways To Work Team Achieves 100% Satisfaction Rate
The programme, funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), helps young people on Wirral to move into education, employment and training. From the period 1 Sep 2019 – 31 Aug 2020, the Career Connect Wirral Ways to Work team engaged 314 young people, providing careers advice to support them to progress into education, employment or training. All participants gave positive feedback about the service.
Among the comments received from clients were:
- “Ways to Work helped me to look to the future and realise I can succeed and have a job I am happy with.”
- “The service is very helpful and the advisors understand your situation and provide help.”
- “There was fantastic advice and support given to find job vacancies. It was really welcoming and very kind.”
- “Very good appointment, very helpful and staying in touch via email to overlook jobs.”
- “It was very welcoming and comfortable; the staff were helpful and insightful.”
- “Andy, my adviser, has given me so much more confidence for when I have my interview with the Royal Navy.”
Karen Parry, Assistant Director of Career Connect, says: “I’m delighted to hear about the excellent satisfaction rate for the Wirral Ways to Work team. Our Career Connect advisors are always dedicated to helping to meet the needs of the individual. They have excellent knowledge of the education, training and employment opportunities available and always provide impartial advice and guidance tailored to the needs of the individual.”
If you would like to get help from Career Connect on Wirral, contact the team on 0151 556 2620.