Follow @connectmycareer Since 2023, the Department for Education (DfE) has released termly data on young people who are electively home educating. This is a very welcome move which helps us to understand both the number of young people that are home educating and their reasons for doing so. Prior to this, and since 2020, regional […]
Career Connect Impact Report 2018-19Follow @connectmycareer Career Connect is delighted to present our 2018-19 Impact report, highlighting how we have helped over 70,000 people to realise their potential. Read the report here
Career Connect Impact Report 2019-20Career Connect is pleased to launch our new Impact Report covering the year 2019/20 Follow @connectmycareer The report sets out the amazing work being done by our teams across careers, employment, education and training. Over this year our teams supported over 79,000 young people and adults, helping them realise their full potential. This was a […]
Career Connect Impact Report 2020-21We are delighted to publish our Impact report for 2020/21, highlighting the critical support our charity provided during an extremely challenging period for those with whom we work. Follow @connectmycareer The report shows not only our impact in numbers but also the stories of individuals whose lives have been changed through the expert work of […]
Career Connect Impact Report 2021-22We are delighted to publish our Impact report for 2021-22, highlighting the critical support our charity provided during an extremely challenging period for those with whom we work. Follow @connectmycareer The new report covers the year April 2021-March 2022, and highlights the impactful work undertaken by staff in each of Career Connect’s key areas: Professional […]
Career Connect report shows importance of locally-focused solutions in addressing youth unemploymentEarly intervention, sustained personalised support, and more local training provision better aligned with the needs of young people, are among the recommendations in Career Connect’s report into youth unemployment. Follow @connectmycareer ‘Mapping The Future: Navigating Place-Based Risks of Youth Unemployment’, summarises Career Connect’s submission to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Youth Employment’s latest inquiry into this […]
Career Connect study explores needs of home educated young peopleCareer Connect has published a new report on the support home learners and their families need to access education and plan for young people’s futures.
Career Connect welcomes Danny Kruger reportCareer Connect welcomes Danny Kruger’s report ‘Levelling up our communities: proposals for a new social covenant’. We believe there are a number of key recommendations in the radical report, that if implemented would support the young people and adults we work with to realise their full potential.
Class of 2020 Education leavers in the current crisis – May 2020Resolution Foundation The economic fallout from the coronavirus has taken the UK into uncharted territory, with fears that an additional 640,000 18-24-year-olds could find themselves unemployed this year alone. This briefing note focuses specifically on the prospects facing young people leaving full-time education today, highlighting the size and length of employment and pay scarring that […]
Connect 2 – Longitudinal Study April 2018This independent study by The Learning Crowd examined Career Connect’s ‘Connect 2’ programme delivered in Greater Manchester to support those who were NEET or at risk of becoming NEET. The research highlighted the positive impact of the programme on young people, especially through non-regulated learning. Read the report here
Examining the Youth Justice Service: What drove the falls in first time entrants and custody?Crest Advisory – Nov 2019 Our major new report into the Youth Justice Service has found that the government has failed to capitalise on a dramatic 73 per cent fall in the number of children being given custodial sentences since 2009. The Crest Advisory research – funded by the Hadley Trust – found that, despite […]
Getting Back to Work: Dealing with the labour market impacts of the Covid-19 recessionInstitute for Employment Studies – Apr 2020 The Covid-19 crisis has led to an economic shock that is unprecedented in its size and speed. This report sets out IES’s assessment of the economic challenges that we will face from this crisis, and evidence-based proposals for our labour market response. Read the report here
Help Wanted: Getting Britain Back to WorkInstitute for Employment Studies – May 2020 This paper has been written in collaboration between IES and a range of other organisations, experts and partners in employment and social policy, including Learning and Work Institute, Reform, Impetus, Youth Futures, the Association of Colleges, the Employment Related Services Association, the Recruitment and Employment Confederation and the […]
How is mental health affecting young people accessing the labour market and quality work?This written submission to the APPG (All-Party Parliamentary Group) for Youth Employment by Career Connect asks “How is mental health affecting young people accessing the labour market and quality work?”
Kickstart: A Missed Opportunity?Follow @connectmycareer Kickstart is a new Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) scheme which plans to provide £2 Billion in funding to employers to create new job placements for 16-24 year olds on Universal Credit who are at risk of long-term unemployment. Kickstart has been created as part of the Governments’ HM Treasury – Plan […]
Learnings and recommendations from the Sefton NEET Reduction and Early Intervention ServiceCareer Connect has published the results of a targeted early intervention programme in Sefton which has led to an increase in positive education, employment and training destinations for young people when they reach the age of 16. Career Connect’s report offers an in-depth evaluation of the Sefton NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) Reduction […]
Manchester Co-Location EvaluationWe are pleased to publish the Manchester Co-Location Evaluation report, which reviews the model for our NEET youth service in Manchester. The report was jointly commissioned by Career Connect and Manchester City Council and the evaluation was undertaken by the International Centre for Guidance Studies at the University of Derby. The evaluation highlights a number of strengths of the model, […]
New Career Connect journal article highlights lack of careers provision for home educated young peopleCareer Connect’s research into careers provision for home educated young people is due to be published in peer-reviewed journal, British Journal of Guidance & Counselling.
Our Impact Report for 2022/23Our Impact Report for 2022/23, reveals an increase in the number of people who have been positively impacted by our mission to drive social mobility. Follow @connectmycareer According to our Impact Report for 2022/23 82,784 people (up 15,492 on 2021/22) were positively impacted by the work of Career Connect, as part of our mission to […]
Post-prison employment figures welcomed – but link to economic trends means further support neededFollow @connectmycareer Career Connect’s analysis of employment figures for those leaving prison between March 2021 and March 2022 concludes that despite an increase, there will be a need for more sustained employment support for ex-offenders as the country deals with the cost-of-living crisis and wider economic challenges. Data from England released earlier this year shows […]
Preventing the disadvantage gap from increasing during and after the Covid-19 pandemicEducation Policy Institute – May 2020 The Education Policy Institute has published a series of policy recommendations for government, designed to prevent a significant widening of the disadvantage gap between poor children and the rest of the pupil population following the pandemic. Prior to the outbreak of Covid-19, EPI research found that disadvantaged children are […]
Shining a light on home education: five things we learned from the new Department for Education (DfE) data.With the number of home educated young people rising steeply since 2016, Career Connect welcomes the DfE’s release of new data on home education in England.
State of the Nation 2019Careers and Enterprise Company – Sept 2019 The Careers and Enterprise Company’s State of the Nation 2019 report provides the most comprehensive assessment of careers education in England. The key messages in the report are: Careers Education is improving everywhere. Disadvantaged areas are among the highest performing in the country. Two million young people are now […]
Stemming the tide: highlighting the increasing risk of NEET among school leaversWith a recent rise in the number of young people that are not in education, employment or training (‘NEET’), this analysis looks at the increasing pressures faced by local authorities and their partners who provide professional careers guidance to young people at a critical point in their lives.
Supporting Disadvantaged Young People into meaningful workYouth Futures Foundation/Institute for Employment Studies – April 2020 The report, Supporting disadvantaged young people into meaningful work written by the Institute for Employment Studies examines what we know about “what works”. Based on a rapid evidence assessment of evaluations that measured job outcomes for disadvantaged groups, it found that more evidence is needed that accurately estimates the additional […]
The Gatsby benchmarks and social mobility: impacts to dateDerby University – March 2020 Young people face a lengthening transition from education to the world of work. The average age that young people leave full-time education has been rising for over a century. Within the education system they are frequently asked to make choices about subject, institution and qualifications that will exert a profound […]
What is our ‘social value’ and how is it calculated?Our social value encompasses the broader positive impact organisations create in the communities in which they operate. It considers social, economic, and environmental outcomes and quantifies the benefits organisations bring to society as a whole.
Written submission to DWP Plan for Jobs and Employment Support inquiryMany young people have struggled with the change and adaptability required during the pandemic, with impacts on confidence and interpersonal skills. Online learning masked engagement issues for many, and young people, including those in the current NEET cohort, have suffered from a very disrupted final two years of statutory schooling, including a reduction in input around careers, onward planning, and employer encounters such as work experience.
Young workers in the coronavirus crisisFollow @connectmycareer Findings from the Resolution Foundation’s Coronavirus survey – May 2020 The coronavirus crisis is expected to hit workers hard, with evidence from previous crises indicating that the young are likely to be affected to a greater degree than most. In this spotlight we move from speculation to evidence, presenting new findings on how […]