Career Connect

Career Connect supported a small group of boys, who had disengaged from school. Through coaching support, they were encouraged to re-engage and consider their options in apprenticeships.

Career Connect worked with two employers to identify what they were looking for in their potential apprentices.  The young people were then invited to spend some time with the employers to undertake a range of tasks. They were given initial feedback, which identified actions to work on during the weekly coaching sessions. E.g.

  • resilience
  • employability skills
  • recruitment processes

The programme had a fantastic result, as the schools noted improved attendance and attainment as their aspirations were lifted.  The students all completed apprenticeship applications, attended an assessment day and participated in an interview.  The highest scoring candidates were delighted to be offered apprenticeships, but even those who weren’t appointed during this process were given in depth feedback from the employers and Career Connect, so they had a clear of understanding of their performance and were able to make plans for their next steps.

Coaching support continued for all of the students, ensuring that those who were going on into the apprenticeship position were supported to make the most of the opportunity.   Those who were not immediately appointed, also continued to meet with the Career Connect Coach to apply for other apprenticeship and learning opportunities.

Feedback from the school and employers was excellent and Career Connect has already commenced work with other schools and employers to extend the successful delivery model.    


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