Lucy has worked in the Lung Screening Department for nearly two years but during the pandemic, she was redeployed to work on Ward A7, helping patients recovering from Covid-19.
Lucy has been reassigned as a Health Care Assistant, where she supports the clinical staff, helps ensure the ward is clean and sanitized, keeps the patients’ company and gives them their meals.
Lucy states “The hardest thing for me has been being away from my family”.
She spent two weeks in isolation staying at a city centre hotel due to her work.
She added, “I missed my Mum a lot but know what I am doing is helping so many and keeping my own family safe”.
When lockdown ends and life returns to a new normal, Lucy is happy to go back to her role but is thinking about retraining to become a qualified Health Care Assistant as she has found the role rewarding and would like to pursue it further. Career Connect will be on hand to help her consider training and employment options.