Career Connect

We're inviting 16-24-year-olds living in Merseyside and Greater Manchester to become Career Connect Youth Ambassadors.

Career Connect provides careers information, advice and guidance for school pupils and those 16+ exploring their options, and we are looking for up to 15 Youth Ambassadors.

The Ambassadors will be a champion for young people, give their honest views on careers services provided by Career Connect, and contribute to research into issues affecting young people’s lives.

To be a Youth Ambassador, applicants need to be aged 16-24, live in Merseyside or Greater Manchester, and be passionate about Youth Voice and representing other young people. They also need to be happy to voice their opinions and ideas.

The Youth Ambassadors will meet monthly with other Ambassadors and teams within the charity. Meetings will take place in person in both Manchester and Liverpool or online. Career Connect can fund any expenses to attend events or meetings.



Youth Ambassadors will have the opportunity to:

  • Make suggestions on how to improve Career Connect’s services for young people, with their views being heard by Senior Leaders and policymakers.
  • Run and participate in focus groups
  • Assist in the creation of social media content such as introduction videos and promotional content
  • Build teamwork skills
  • Build their own employability skills and attend enrichment activities
  • Assist in the recruitment, interviewing and induction of staff, explaining to them the importance of the charity’s Youth Voice work
  • Conduct ‘mystery shopper’ activities
  • Help promote Career Connect and our services
  • Inform our charity about barriers that young people currently face
  • Become part of a friendly community of Ambassadors who work together
  • Offer support for other young people

Our Youth Ambassadors are part of Career Connect’s wider participation network. They may also be invited to represent Youth Voice and give feedback at meetings or events alongside adults representing other service users.A close up of three people in a lecture theatre at a long table, as part of a panel discussion. The desk has a grey tablecloth with the words 'The Manchester College' in white - where the event was held. The chair of the panel, a man with glasses, is sat to the left. At the table is sat a man with a grey hair and white shirt. Next to him is Career Connect Youth Ambassador Yasmina, who is wearing a headscarf and grey jacket over a black top. Yasmina is holding a microphone, speaking to the audience in an animated fashion. Sat next to Yasmina is another young person with long brown hair and a dark blue polo top.


What are the rewards?

Ambassadors will receive:

  • Training, skills sessions and upskilling workshops tailored to suit their needs
  • Experience to enhance CVs and applications, and a reference from Career Connect
  • Funded enrichment activities – previous trips have included an Escape Room
  • Careers appointments with skilled advisors
  • Access to ConnectMyCareer – an online careers portal including AI interview simulator and CV software
  • An opportunity to connect with other young people in the North West to create friendships
  • Networking opportunities
  • An online forum for Youth Ambassadors and the Youth Voice Coordinator to get careers advice and share helpful tips
  • Merchandise
  • Certificate of participation
  • Additional freebies for larger tasks
  • Representation on social media

The current group of Career Connect Youth Ambassadors have helped make positive change through activities including:

  • Building our Youth Branding
  • Offering innovative ideas for engaging young people in creative ways
  • Attending conferences and events representing career connect
  • Participating in and being on key note panels
  • Using their unique ideas to help guide our new strategy.

What our Youth Ambassadors say:

“I definitely think my confidence has gone up since my first meeting.” – Favour

“It’s been nice to meet new people, that are on the same wavelength and think how you think.” – India

“It’s been so insightful to see behind the scenes and to learn about statistics about other young people like me. My confidence has increased too.” – Sophia

“Just having someone listen to you and ask your opinions makes me feel very validated.” – Josh

Alicia Murray from Career Connect said: “Our current Youth Ambassadors have been an amazing team of passionate individuals who bring fresh insights and unique experiences from young peoples perspectives! They’ve played a key role in offering innovative ideas and inspiring us with their energy. We are excited to see how new ambassadors will continue to spark change and make a real impact. It has been great to see the group really come together as a team and continue to build and develop their skills”.

How to apply:

Download the application pack here.

Apply here! 

Complete the online application or print off your own hard copy to complete by hand and send back to [email protected]

You can send completed hard copy applications to: Alicia Murray, Career Connect, 7th Floor Walker House, Exchange Flags, Liverpool, L2 3YL.

If you need help or support with the application, please contact your Career Connect adviser (if you are currently using our services) or contact Alicia on [email protected]

Send in your application by 23:59 on 6th December 2024.  


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