Career Connect is proud to report a year-on-year reduction in hourly pay gap, reducing from 8.2% when Gender Pay Gap reporting commenced in 2017, down to 3% in the current year.
We will continue to develop an inclusive culture aligned with our vision and values, where wellbeing is a priority for every individual.
Since 2017, we are pleased to report that the actions taken to address some early concerns regarding gender pay gap, have been effective in helping us to make progress towards bridging the imbalance.
Based on data at the start of April 2024, the charity is performing well in closing the pay gap between men and women, with year-on-year improvements, despite a spike in 2020 which was largely due to a handover period of two male CEOs.
The 3% hourly pay gap figure provided for data analysed in April 2024 is based on “all employees”. If this is extracted for full time staff only, the gap shows that male staff are being paid slightly less per hour.
In terms of median hourly pay, in 2024 there is a 2% difference between male and female. This is an improvement on the 2023 figure of 7%.
Career Connect will continue to remunerate via transparent pay scales, which apply equally to male and female employees and are updated on the staff intranet each year. This helps to maintain a set of fair terms and conditions for all employees, where gender pay gap does not relate to bias in job evaluation and recruitment.
Read the full report via the link below.