Supporting Young People

We empower young people aged 16-25 to access education, work and learning.

We are commissioned by Local Authorities and work with partners across the Northwest to support young people between 16-25 to access education, work and learning opportunities

Our dedicated community teams work alongside local partners, supporting young people with their career planning. We help young people identify how to move forward with career choices and overcome barriers they encounter. By tracking, we can identify participants who are not in education, employment or training and help them re-engage with planning their future.

Navigating the change from school to employment can be a challenge. Our teams provide extra encouragement, practical support and information. We offer a range of activities to help young people turn their career ambitions into reality.

We take time to understand each young person’s career aims, their strengths and areas where they want to develop. We focus on raising aspirations and supporting young people to take actions. We show the young people we work with how our programmes can help them achieve their career goals, and guide them through the steps they need to take.

Our teams work in the heart of the communities they support, so we’re right where young people need us. This means young people can access the right support to find the right way forward for them.

Navigating the change from school to employment can be difficult for those young people who need extra encouragement and motivation to get their career on track.  We offer a range of methods to help young people turn their career ambitions into reality.  Among these are:

  • Impartial careers advice & guidance based on local labour market intelligence.
  • Support writing CVs and complete application forms
  • Help preparing for interviews

We take time to understand each young person’s career aims, their strengths and areas they need to develop.  Consequently, this helps us to raise young people’s aspirations, including those who are hard to reach and from disadvantaged or minority backgrounds. We show them how our programmes can help them achieve their career goals and guide them through the steps they need to take.

Our teams work in the heart of the community they support, so we’re right where young people need us.  This means they can access the right support to find the right way forward for them.